Why Are My Gerbil’s Eyes Closed

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If you’ve ever owned a gerbil, you know that they’re playful little creatures. But have you ever noticed that your gerbil’s eyes are often closed? You might be wondering why this is. Here’s a look at some of the reasons why your gerbil might be keeping its eyes shut.

Why do gerbils sometimes close their eyes?

Have you ever noticed that sometimes when you look at your gerbil, it has its eyes closed? Don’t worry – closing their eyes is an instinct for gerbils to help them cope with stress or to show their contentment. In addition, they close their eyes while they are sleeping, just like we do.

Gerbils are diurnal creatures and need to sleep regularly to stay alert and healthy. Since some gerbils can be skittish around humans, closing their eyes can also be a way of protecting themselves from perceived danger or trying to make themselves invisible. So the next time you see your gerbil with its eyes shut, take comfort in knowing it’s just taking care of itself.

Is it normal for gerbils to have closed eyes during the day?

It is not unusual for gerbils to have closed eyes during the day as this is a typical sleep pattern for them. Gerbils are active during the night and sleep during the day, so having their eyes closed is an indication that they are taking a rest. In addition, when gerbils are stressed or frightened, they may also keep their eyes shut.

However, it’s important to ensure that your gerbil is healthy and alert since sleeping through the day can be a sign of health issues such as an illness or inadequate nutrition. If you’re concerned about your gerbil sleeping too much, you should talk to your veterinarian who can provide insight and advice on ways to ensure it stays happy and healthy.

What could be causing my gerbil’s eyes to stay closed?

If your gerbil’s eyes seem to be staying closed more than usual, it could be a sign of illness. One possible culprit is an infection; if your gerbil’s eye appears to be cloudy or has discharge coming from it, this could indicate an issue with their health.

Additionally, they could potentially have an overriding issue, such as injury or trauma that is causing enough discomfort that they’re keeping their eyes shut. It may even be something minor like dust floating in the air and irritating the eyes, but whatever it is, it’s likely best to take them to the vet and make sure they’re in good condition.

Can gerbil eye infections cause closed eyes?

Gerbil eye infections can cause closed eyes, though this usually results from eye inflammation, as opposed to direct damage from an infection. If your gerbil’s eyes seem to be closed or crusted over, it’s a good idea to take them to the vet for an evaluation. Though in most cases the infection is minor, it must be treated before it can become more serious or lead to other complications.

Some common treatments, like topical ointments and antibiotics, can help the gerbil’s body fight off the infection and restore its sight. In some cases, however, the damaged tissue may not heal and more invasive solutions such as surgery may need to be considered. Nonetheless, with prompt and proper care there is no reason why your gerbil shouldn’t make a full recovery in just a few weeks!

How can I help my gerbil with closed eyes?

Taking care of a gerbil with eyes closed can be a bit tricky, but it doesn’t have to be overwhelming. The most important thing to remember is that gerbils are very sensitive creatures and their health should always come first. To ensure your gerbil’s well-being, make sure you keep it in a clean and comfortable environment as much as possible.

This includes giving it fresh food, water, bedding, toys, and sanitary habitat. Since your gerbil won’t be able to see what’s going on around him with its eyes closed, give him lots of extra love and attention with plenty of snuggles and petting sessions.

Additionally, getting the proper vet care is essential – regular checkups to ensure their health will help them feel better despite their eye condition. With these things in mind, you’ll be taking all the necessary steps towards ensuring your gerbil lives a happy life!

When should I take my gerbil to the vet for closed eyes?

Taking your gerbil to the vet at the first signs of closed eyes can be important in maintaining their health and preventing more serious problems from emerging as these symptoms can point towards a variety of issues. If your gerbil’s eyes start to show signs of discharge, or swelling, or if both eyes are closed for more than 12 hours, you must take them to see a veterinarian.

It is also recommended that gerbils receive an annual checkup to ensure they stay healthy and happy. Additionally, regular observation and cleaning of their eyes can help prevent any issues from arising in the first place.


Overall, it is normal for gerbils to close their eyes during various times of the day. They may be going into light sleep and can be just as active with their eyes closed as when they are open. Despite this common behavior it is important to monitor your gerbil’s activity and behavior if he has been closing his eyes more than usual or seems lethargic and uninterested in interacting with you. It could be a sign of an underlying medical condition that needs attention from a vet. If you are concerned about your gerbil’s health, always speak to a professional for guidance. Your gerbil loves spending time with you, so make sure he’s getting plenty of rest and nourishment – he’ll thank you for it by opening his eyes wide with appreciation!

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Logan Hills

Logan Hills

Gerbils are very social animals and will enjoy their owners’ companionship. They are also curious, active, and intelligent, making them excellent pets for children.With a tender care, having a gerbil for a pet is great pleasure, and I found it is a great way to teach my children gentleness and responsibility.

So starting this blog was just the next step to share the pleasure and the benefits of having a gerbil pet.

About Me

Gerbils are very social animals and will enjoy their owners’ companionship. They are also curious, active, and intelligent, making them excellent pets for children.With a tender care, having a gerbil for a pet is great pleasure, and I found it is a great way to teach my children gentleness and responsibility.

So starting this blog was just the next step to share the pleasure and the benefits of having a gerbil pet.

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